We're delighted to have been invited by Struer Tracks to create a new artwork as part of this years festival - as part of Shortwave Collective I'll be brining a Living Radio Lab to the shores of Struer at the end of August. Our open-process lab will share be a slice of the joys of being part of Shortwave and playing with radios. In compliment, I'm also going to be case studying this excellent festival as part of my PhD research at SONCITIES, University of Oxford to learn more about the curatorial and artistic approaches to Struer's public spaces. This will be my second case studying following an amazing experience at Tsonami Festival in Valparaíso, Chile, last December. Follow Struer Tracks, Shortwave Collective and I on socials for festival updates. I had the pleasure of travelling to Braunschweig to develop a new sound walk for the Braunschweig is listening! festival.www.klangstaetten.de/
Walking Through the Anthropocene was a guided 1.5 hours walk away from the city centre, exploring our entanglement with everything around us. It is also available as a sound map for self-led walks. 'Urban living is now a global condition with more than 50% of humans living in urban environments. We are not only more present across the globe now than when our cities were first built, but we are also entangled with it - 'In this present time of planetary devastation and subsequent ecological awareness of the fact that the end of the world might have already happened, what used to be called nature or culture becomes only an entangled subcomponent in a myriad of geo-bio-socio assemblages.' As the term the Anthropocene defines, our human living has changed the environment around us, resulting in 'more-than-(but including)-human assemblages like superstorms, acidifying oceans, and antibiotic resistant bacteria’.(i) We humans are in fact nature, we are not separate from it. We are all one, 'because everything we do to the world, gets done to us’. (ii) Theorist Kate Wright warns 'how tragic and dangerous the cognitive illusion of human exceptionalism can be. We can never disconnect from Earth's ecological community'; 'these neglected connections hang in the air, like exposed faulty wiring, pulsing with a deadly charge'.(iii) Come for a sound walk through the Anthropocene together.' More info coming soon... i) B. Cincik, T. Torres-Campos. Postcards from the Anthropocene, Unsettling the Geopolitics of Representation. Barcelona: dpr-barcelona: 2022. p14. ii) AM. Kanngieser. “Ecofascism and Nature is Healing”. amkanngieser https://amkanngieser.com/posts/ecofascism-and-nature-is-healing Accessed 27 February 2023 iii) K. Wright. Becoming-with. Environmental Humanities Vol 5, Issue 1, 2014: pp. 277–281 Shortwave Collective bringing our thoughts and works together into this text with the Listening Biennial. Have a read here.
November 2023
For older blog posts: www.lisa--hall.blogspot.com