I'm very pleased to be participating in this in Melbourne next month at RMIT and meeting Jordan, Phill and Polly. Many thanks to Jordan, Rose and the CAST research group! To register for a ticket visit the eventbrite page here. Image: Polly Stanton, Dam Wall Sound artists interface with sonic environments to provoke changes in the minutiae of everyday life – social, political, aesthetic – as a means to disassemble/reassemble those relations and flows that inform our habitual connections with the world. Three international sound artists – Lisa Hall, Philip Samartzis and Polly Stanton – are invited to RMIT’s Black Box to discuss their sonic practices across urban and wilderness environments, and in relation to human perception. Embodiment, technology, listening and intervention form key approaches of each artist’s interactions with environments and everyday human activity. These practices will be discussed in relationship to immersive audio-visual artworks created by each of the three artists, presented in the Black Box’s state of the art audio-visual system. With discussion guided by Jordan Lacey, audience-participants will have the opportunity to be involved in an open conversation about what a sound art practice is, when realised in the political, social and cultural context of the city.
Lisa Hall is a sound artist exploring urban environments using audio interventions and performative actions, and is affiliated with Creative Research into Sound Arts Practice (CRiSAP) at University of the Arts London. Currently on sabbatical, Lisa is travelling, listening to urban spaces across the globe and developing new practice based research works. Phil Samartzis a sound artist, scholar and curator with a specific interest in the social and environmental conditions informing remote wilderness regions and their communities. Philip is the co-founder and artistic director of the Bogong Centre for Sound Culture and teaches courses in sound art and spatial practice in the School of Art. Polly Stanton is a moving image artist and sound practitioner who’s mode of working is expansive and site based, with her practice intersecting across a number of disciplines from film production, sound design, field research, performance, writing and publication. Polly is a lecturer in the Master of Media program at RMIT University. Jordan Lacey is an urban sound installation artist and author operating at the interface of the sonic arts and urban design. He is author of Sonic Rupture, which offers an affect-based approach to the design of urban soundscapes, and is recent recipient of a DECRA fellowship entitled, Translating Ambiance. CAST, Contemporary Art and Social Transformation https://cast.org.au is the research group within RMIT’s School of Art. This CAST OUT LOUD event is part of our Public Art research stream. My sound walk work 'Walking with Crickets' is playing in this exhibition 'Live* from CICADA' which is a totally unique version of an online sound exhibition -
CICADA Gallery are exhibiting the work of twenty artists working in sound. Each audio work has been processed with an impulse response recording made within the the physical space of CICADA (an artist-run venue located in Ogden, Utah, America). By treating each piece with the natural reverberant qualities found within the approximately 1,325 cubic foot gallery space, a hypothetical performance takes place where the sonic works made in disparate locations now aurally appear to have been originally performed within the same subterranean structure. The exhibition is actually the recorded document of this conceptual event! |
November 2023
For older blog posts: www.lisa--hall.blogspot.com